Turn Your Idea Into a Business in 8 Weeks

The Startup School prepares women to become founders and go from idea to business in 8 weeks. It’s fully online and designed to fit your schedule - even if you have a full-time job!

All you need to join us is an idea, a thought, a problem you want to solve. You start there, and we help you with the most relevant resources and an actionable plan on how to take it forward.

Applications are now open for the Fall Cohort, which runs from 23 September to 17 November.

Made for everyone

All you need is a start-up idea! We have the tools to make it happen. Whether you have just an idea, are working on an MVP, or have recently founded a business, our program is open to all women founders in the Nordics who aim to build innovative and scalable solutions.

Fits your schedule

After getting accepted, you'll gain access to an online learning platform where new courses unlock as you progress. Watch at your own pace, as the weekly modules are flexible.

No fees, no binding

We want to remove as many barriers as possible at the earliest stage of your journey. That is why our program is free, as this is the best way to even the playing field for women founders.

The Weekly Modules

Each week builds on the work you've done previously, allowing you to gradually develop and refine your business concept. You’ll start by defining your idea within a business context, then move on to validating its potential, building an initial solution, testing it with customers, and understanding the operations of running a company. The program culminates in a practice pitch.

Throughout the journey, you'll collaborate with other women founders who are at the same stage, and you'll also have opportunities to seek advice from more experienced founders on any challenges you encounter along the way.

Week 0

Select the right idea to work on


Week 1

Translate your idea into a business model


Week 2

Validate the problem & learn how to test your idea


Week 3

Go out and test your idea with potential customers


Week 4

Turn your learnings into insights for your first product


Week 5

Build your first Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


Week 6

Go out and get people to test your MVP


Week 7

The operational setup to keep it going, full-time or part-time?


Week 8

What's next: From joining other programs, funding options, finding a co-founder, etc.


What awaits you in the program

Engaging Online Content

Weekly video content including hands-on guides, expert interviews, and other classes that help you get from an idea to a first MVP.

Supportive Community

Join like-minded women on similar journeys. Share experiences and grow together in a nurturing environment both online and offline.

Exclusive Events

Receive early invites to our in-person events, including networking sessions and hands-on classes that build upon the online curriculum.

Access to Mentors

Gain access to experienced mentors who share their knowledge, and help you navigate the challenges of building a startup.

Who is it for?

Our community is open to all women founders based in the Nordics, and you can join at any time by signing-up or joining our events.

However, the Startup School is specifically designed for women with innovative, product-enabled ideas —whether digital or physical.

The program is as much about building a supportive community as it is about delivering results. Therefore, we expect participants to commit fully and engage actively throughout the 8-week course. The time commitment is approximately 2 to 5 hours per week, depending on how much you choose to invest.

If you are not sure if your idea or business applies to these criteria just reach out to us via hello@evenfounders.com

Innovative Idea or Product

Our program is designed to support founders with fresh ideas that introduce new concepts to the market. Whether your product is digital or physical, it should be an innovative idea or approach.

This could include digital products like software, tangible goods like an organic hair mask, new food items, e-commerce ventures, or similar solutions. However, businesses focused on coaching or freelancing may not fully benefit from the content of the Startup School.

Scalable Solution

Your business should be able to grow fast and serve more customers without increasing costs, achieved through automation, digitization, standardization, economies of scale or similar.

While venture funding is part of the content, our graduates don't have to aim for it. We'll explore full-time and part-time routes, as well as different funding options, to ensure you have multiple options for growing your business.


Although our program is online and can be completed at your own pace, it is specifically designed for women based in the Nordics (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland).

This regional focus allows you to fully benefit from our local community, gain introductions to regional stakeholders, and participate in our in-person events.

Curious & Open Mind

No stage is too early for us — we welcome applicants who are truly passionate about their ideas.

Throughout the program, you’ll learn a great deal and may need to adjust your solution and vision. We hope you are open to feedback and willing to refine your concept to make it more scalable and maximize its potential.

Your Even Journey: From Application to Launch

After applying, we will review your application and may reach out for clarification. If accepted, you will join the cohort and engage in an 8-week online Startup School program with other women founders.

You will receive access to our online platform where you will get access to the online video courses, weekly tasks to help you develop your startup, access to other women founders from the cohort and the broader community, important information about the program, and mentors.

By the end of the program, you will have an MVP and feedback from potential customers (this of course, depends if you actively work on your startup). You will understand different paths for building your company, options for finding a co-founder and financing, and different ecosystem options for continuing your journey.

If you decide to stay part of the community, you will receive ongoing support on our platform even after the Startup School ends.

Hear What Our Graduates Think

Don't Believe Us? Listen to Augusta's Story!

Get help to get started, explore what you need to learn and find a community of like-minded people.

Her journey shows how the Even Founders startup school provided the guidance, skills, and support she needed to bring her vision to life.

Don't just take our word for it

Check out some testimonials from our previous graduates.
"The school provided great resources and a network of women that certainly contributed to my journey as a founder of Elson Solutions. I am also happy to see how Even Founders evolved into a platform much needed for female founders."
2nd Cohort
"It is more than a network of talented, inspiring women - it's a boost of energy, can-do attitude and good vibes that will set you in the right direction"
2nd Cohort
"Joining the startup school speed-forwarded my business from idea to reality and helped me to gain confidence and stay accountable with myself."
3rd Cohort


My co-founder is male, can he join?

The short answer is: no. The Startup School has intentionally been built for women founders, and while we welcome men to join and support the initiative in many different ways, they can't join the Startup School.

Is the Startup School really free?

Yes. The Startup School is completely free. We have made a conscious decision to make the Startup School free to remove any barriers that women might have when starting a company.

Do I need to be fulltime on my startup to join the School?

No, most of the women in our cohort are working on their startup while having a full-time job. The Startup School prepares you to test your idea before you are ready to leave your job and do this full time.

My startup is only an idea, can I still join?

Yes! The Startup School is designed for women who are at the earliest stage possible. When you have an idea, but are not sure where to start.